Fundraiser for Tiqvah Hands of Hope
Event Fundraiser: 2020 Run4Kids SuperHero 5K
Our Mission: Hope
We offer a safe physical and emotional space to grow and be empowered. We equip caring adults to build genuine relationships of influence and reflect Christ. We help students know their identity as a Child of God. We provide tools for students to discover their purpose and build a future.
Our Vision:
We dream of Stark County filled with students who know they are in Christ and, as a result, they are full of hope and life, are known for their selflessness, and are empowered to carry out God's dream for their impact.
Our History:
Tiqvah Hands of Hope started Fall 2009 in Canton, Ohio and was modeled after a program in Chicago which served one of its most impoverished neighborhoods. With the goal of impacting children's lives, body, mind and soul, Tiqvah began developing relationships in the S.E. community center, helping students get homework done, meals fed, and of course, enrichment opportunities provided. When we began to outgrow not only the space at the community center, but also a local church, we knew we had also outgrown serving only the southeast part of the city. TIQVAH opened at its previous facility, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, in 2012 and began offering services to families we had relationships with, but in a new neighborhood. Soon we were offered a partnership with the school district. They began bussing the children to us from 15 different schools. We continuied to add to our programming and attendance and soon found need for yet another move. Now in our current home, Christ Presbyterian Church, we are still serving Canton City Schools and loving our families.
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